Saturday 18 October 2008


recently I have discovered that my brother is watching porn , big deal and when I walked on him while he was watching it his face got yellow like a lemon and I smiled and left him the room for an hour he finished got out all flushed and avoiding eye contact he went out..
I never understood why porn is such a taboo subject? I am not talking about religion here don't get me wrong I am talking about socially speaking its a release for a physical need we all have. I mean what is better to actually go and bang a girl or watch a 15 or 20 minutes movie got comfortable and voila you are done, no harm done and every one is happy but why hiding it?
I have watched my share of porn on those happy times when the need kicks in and I have news flash for everyone, girls watch porn like guys but they never talk about it even to each other. Its unreasonable taboo that I do not understand why everyone is not hiding smoking is considered a wrong deed and so is smoking weed or doing drugs but I do not see anyone is hiding it except from the police or when you do not feel like sharing. Can someone please explain it to me?


Sou said...

Well I guess here the whole sex thing is considered a taboo thats why guys suck at it most of the time they only know the obvious and hence every thing related to it is considered a non-talking subject at least i think so

Umslopagas said...

I remember my dad walking in on me once.

I had dropped my wallet in the bathroom, he had found it, condoms were protruding out of it, I was 14.

He gave me a good lecture on good practice vs. bad practice, and announced that if I needed to have sex and couldn't find a suitable place, I should call him up, so he should either provide me cash to rent a place or take my mum out for dinner.

I never tried holding him to his word, though, perhaps I should some day.

Now, I'm babbling again, a habit I need to quit, along with smoking.

My point is, not everyone considers it a taboo, atleast I know a lot of people who don't.

However, the fact remains that our society - as a general rule - still discriminates and places certain rules and procedures, even if deep inside, they don't follow them.

See what I mean, even more babbling.

Sand said...

Well its not about sucking or being good at something its about an entire issue considered an ill doing while we know for a fact that every body is doing it.. who exactly are we fooling?

Such a weird name, anyhow your dad seems like a cool dad indeed I would jump into the opportunity if I were you.. well even if the people you know who do not consider it as a taboo I am sure they are fine doing it but not admitting it, Am I right?

Zee Puppette said...

But come on, it's quite expected in the society we live in. And when you touch upon such a topic, I don't think you can disregard the religion side of it...because I think it is a taboo subject *because* of religion. In a "muslim" country - if u can even call it that - even people who are not strongly religious will haunt you down if they figure out ur bragging - or simply admiting - to watching porn or having sex or watever. You're not gonna fit in and they minds will simply not absorb it.

They won't let their kids play with you .

Sand said...

Zee puppet:
I know that its related to religon but how come we brag about other stuff like drugs and smoking its the same wrong deed.. the fact that we do not admit it does not mean we do not do it..
and either ways they don't let their kids play with me

Umslopagas said...


Primarily speaking, my father, like everyone else, is just as irritating about other areas, he lets me do what I wish, but with certain limitations, **psst*, I'm a 29 year old guy with a curfew:D

About my friends, yes, most of them tell, but mostly in private.

About my name, google up "Nada the Lily" and "Allan Quatermain", Umslopagas was my role-model as a kid.

Brownie said...
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Brownie said...

i don't understand how watching a porn movie does not harm?!!
do u think it just stopps upon watching like watching any other movie..there alot of failed marriages and rapes happen coz of porn addictors.

kaman don't u think that at least that we have to be ashamed of our wrong deeds. Ad3af el iman ya3ni.

why should we seperate the religion from our life?!
is not religion our way to live?

just close ur eyes for a min and think what would u say when Allah asked u about what u did?

and here is another flash, i have never watched a porn movie and i am not planning to inshaallah.

Mohammad said...

It's a tricky subject, that. but u know, porn suck! I mean, it's almost non-human, so maybe that's the reason ppl are not so proud of it. you don't see the porn actors or producers proud of it also. it's not an egyptian thing, it's a human thing.

honestly I prefer movie scenes where the act is at least HUMAN! but I feel ashamed of myself nonetheless.

The.I.inside said...

Well, what i don't honestly get is, what the hell do you want ? do you want people to be proud they are watching Porn? or want them to stop being so proud about doing drugs?
anyhow i don't agree with you, porn is harmful if objectifies women give guys the wrong idea about it, it's addictive enough to ruin a marriage and the ability to enjoy a healthy normal sexual life later on

Umslopagas said...

I think you got the wrong end of the stick here, it's not about justification, it's about what you're prepared to pay, it's about whether you see something right or wrong, if it's wrong don't do it in the first place, if it's not wrong, don't hide it, it's that simple.

deadman walking said...

does the answers really matter here ?

smoking is bad, but if you try it you just can't stop it, that doesn't change the fact that it is bad !

Umslopagas said...

You're speaking of physical dependence, that's a horse of another colour, also smoking's medically wrong, nobody hides it, I know I don't at least.

Sand said...
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Sand said...

Guys and Girls:
Whether you agree with me here or not does not really change the fact that we do wrong deeds whether addictive or not in the dark to avoid looking bad infront of others and appear like the flawless persons we are not. I say be who you are, filled with flaws and imperfections. If you are going to do the crime man up and do the time

Umslopagas said...

Thanks for sharing this Sand, it was quite enlightening